Thursday, June 18, 2015

Our 1st Week in Arizona

Our 1st Week in Arizona

Our first week was very busy with unpacking and our first two appointments.

The Appointments:

We first saw the Division for Developmental Disabilities(DDD). In Arizona with a kiddo like Jake you start with DDD and they then refer you to the Medicaid system. We have completed the beginning paperwork, and now are waiting to see if they are referring us forward to the Arizona Long Term Care which is Medicaid. And the wait continues.......

Our first week also included an appointment with Jake's new Primary Care Provider a super nice Pediatrician at Tucson Medical Center with the Critical Care Clinic. It was a really wonderful appointment. The doctor took his time and went over Jake's immediate needs, He then made a list of doctors he wanted us to see. Many of the specialists in Tucson rotate out of this clinic so Jake with have Continuity of Care. He then explained to us that their clinic operates on a HEALTH HOME MODEL. I just about cried, when I hard these beautiful words.
After the doctor, he then sent in the social worker for their clinic. Yes, they have their own Social Worker and she knew her stuff. She stated once Jake gets on the Long care system for Arizona, she would then put him in for another Medicaid program called Children's Rehabilitative program. This program would put him at the top of the list to get his PT. OT, and Speech there at the same facility. And the program also provides funds for camps. I asked her what paperwork I needed to do, and she said she would take care of it. I could have kissed this woman. I have NEVER met a Social Worker that was this knowledgeable and kind.
After the Social Worker left, the Pediatrician's nurse walked in. She stated she wanted to get our appointments set up and sat down at the computer with the list the doctor gave her. She made many of the appointments at that clinic, but she said some of the others the doctor wanted Jake to see sooner. She said she would call the other doctors, and give me a call with the appointment dates/times. In fact, if I had not heard from her in 10 days to give her a call. I am giving this clinic 2 thumbs up, and big ole Texas GRIN!!!!

I left a message with the school system last week, but have not heard anything yet. They are on summer break, so I am following up with them today. Fingers crossed we can get home bound services started for the Monkey child.

So far our experiences have been impressive.

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