Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Introduction to the Blog

My name is Michelle Bartlett and I am the proud mom of a handsome young man Jake. He is 14 years old and is incredible. We have lived in Texas since December of 2009, and have been battling for services since the moment we set foot in state.

Over the years we have had many challenges with finding services for our son. And as most families of special needs children know life can be challenging. In our case it is the outside world that complicates things for us.

Our Top 5 Challenges:
Insurance Companies
People not familiar with Children with Disabilities

Most people would think having child with a disability is challenging, but let me tell you the disability is the easy part. It is the outside factors that make things complicated

We decided to do this blog to share with all of you our family's journey moving from the #50th state in the country to the #1 state in the country in services for individuals with disabilities. The rankings are created by the United Cerebral Palsy Organization. (http://cfi2014.ucp.org)

We are realistic that things are not perfect in Arizona, but we are hopeful that things will be better than Texas services. In our blog I will share with you the complications we had in Texas. And as we get services set up for our son in Arizona, I will share with you what things look like for children with disabilities there.

Note to readers: Our son is diagnosed with 4p- syndrome, Developmental Delay, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Mitochondrial Disorder, Autism, Vision Impairment, Feeding Difficulties, Osteoporosis, and the list goes on.
He is an amazing kid first, who just happens to have many diagnosis'. Most people think if your child is multi-handicapped and has a severe developmental delay, services are there for the children. You will learn this is not True. 

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