Thursday, August 13, 2015

Waiting Waiting and more Waiting 2!

Jake is doing great and is preparing for his Birthday on the 24th of August. I still cannot believe it has been 15 years since this monkey child was born. 


We finally have an appointment for the medical review part of Long Term Care Services here in Arizona. The reviewer comes out to the home on Tuesday. Once that is finished it will help Jake get Medicaid, and additional services. Once he qualifies for that program our Primary Care Doctor is putting Jake in for Children's Rehabilitative Services Program. Again, it is a lot of waiting for services. The system is overloaded with people, and not enough workers to process the paperwork. 

Jake was approved for the Developmental Disabilities Program, and we are finally getting things set up for that. The DD program will give us 600 hours a year in respite. The case manager forgot to do the paperwork, so I gave her a call. She thanked me for reminding her, and apologized for not completing the paperwork. I know she is overloaded with cases, and since I was a social worker in the past I understand. It is always annoying but this is just a part of our life. WAITING! 

Jake is registered for home bound services, and should be starting them very soon. We are so excited he is in high school. 

Our next step is to get him registered for Special Olympics, and find some recreation programs for him to participate in. 

There seems to be more services here in Arizona for children with disabilities, but like any state you will be waiting, and you must follow up with case managers. 

I will post again after we have the medical review for Long Term Services for Jake. 

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