Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Waiting, Waiting, and more Waiting.....

We have been in Arizona over a month now, and have settled into our home. It has been very hard to move, and scary also. 


We finally have our financial interview with Arizona Long Term Care on Thursday, After the phone interview we should be referred on to the medical part of getting Jake on Long Term Care Services. I am hoping it is not another month to get the interview to go over the medical information. The joys of trying to get your child services. So far it is much quicker than Texas, there are no wait lists here in Arizona for medicaid for children with disabilities. 


We have been very pleased with doctors so far. We saw a neurologist today, and it only took 2 weeks to get an appointment with him. He was very through and really took his time explaining treatment plan. Earlier that day we saw a urologist and he also was very helpful. As he was talking I thought I was being PUNKD by someone. He encouraged us to continue using D-Mannose with Jake. He even stated he encourages families with children with chronic UTI issues to use D-Mannose. He did not even once go over the whole nutritional supplements are not a proven way to help a disorder. He will also order a urodynamic study to make sure there are no issues, and to have baseline information for future use. Both doctors seemed great, and even thought I did not agree with the neurologist on something he listened to my concerns. It was nice to be able to work with a doctor to provide the best treatment for Jake. The doctor is considering Jake for CBD oil, but he does not qualify for the study at this time. 


The new job John has accepted has him going overseas periodically. Right now I am a single parent, and it is rough not getting sleep. Luckily my niece came to Arizona with us, so she is watching Jake 1-2 nights a week so I can sleep. John will not be gone to long, but we miss him a lot. We are lucky we get to Oovoo with him almost everyday.  

We are also in the process of getting our wonderful, yet unpredictable dog back to the Airedale Rescue. Unfortunately she bit a child in our home, and we decided she needs to be in a home with a quieter household and no young children. She has been a great
 dog, but I think her previous owners abuse has left her with a few emotional scars. She has been great out in public with people,  but you get her home and she becomes very territorial. I hope they find her a home quickly. Abigail deserves a nice quiet home, and people who can build her skills. She is wicked smart and we are heartbroken to see her go. 

We just Keep on, Keeping on........